This book is super special to me because it's the first diverse book I purchased for my daughter.
I remember reading it to my baby for the first time and saying to myself, "I need more"! There is no point in having children books with just white children in it.
This book is so sweet, it is filled with diversity. The pictures are simple but they catch your eyes with the details.
I absolutely love what the author picked for each letter. I will list a few of my favorites!
"C is for caring in a way only you can care". I find this to be super important. Everyone cares in their own way. Everyone shows emotion in their own way.
"D is for donating your blanket to a dog who doesn't have one". I love this one because it shows being kind does not limit to humans. We need to be kind to all animals.
"E is for empathy - imagining how it feels to walk in someone else's shoes". I believe if we actually did this, the world would be very different. So many people are stuck in their little bubble but when you wake up and realize what other people go through on a daily basis your mindset will change.
"I is for including and inviting everyone to the party". This one right here. This is so important. I wish I could go back in time to my school age days because this is something I would make sure would happen. Can you imagine a little kid watching other kids all get invitations or talking about the fun party the next day at school and not being included? A kids party does not have to be extravagant. You can save that for your family birthday parties. A party to the park is simple and cheap. A few bags of chips, hot dogs, water. Then nobody is left out. I think about this a lot. I think about all the children that were labeled "weird" in my school.. Maybe they didn't have many chances of clothes, maybe they were quiet, most of the ones labeled that awful word just didn't have a good home life. I can't imagine how if just doing that little act of inviting someone who never gets invited could change their life forever. Honestly.
"P is for protecting and preserving our planet". Being kind doesn't stop with just humans and animals. We need to be kind to the planet we live on. We only have one.. This is something I need to work more hard on. I get so lazy with recycling and I need to set a better example for my daughter.
"Q is for quiet moments to listen to the world around you". This one right here. I remember a core moment with my daughter. We were leaving the post office and all I could think is the million things I needed to get done when I got home. My daughter wanted to take her time and smell the flowers and I almost said no. I am so thankful I didn't, it's the little moments to take in. Stop and smell those flowers, stop and look around you and breathe. It is so important and it's something I will never forget.
"R is for reminding a friend they belong just in case they ever forget". You never know what someone is going through at home, especially children. If they don't hear that often, that one little act of kindness could change their whole day and even life.
"S is for standing up for someone when no one else will". This is another thing that I would change if I could go back to my school days. It may not be "cool" to stand up to a bully or go tell an adult but little do the young kids know, it IS cool to be that person.
"U is for understanding everyone does things their own way... and no one way is better". This one is my favorite! This is relevant for adults too. It speaks volumes.
"Y is for you because you matter". No matter what anyone says, you MATTER. You will always matter. Look in that mirror and say it over and over.
The littlest acts of kindness can mean the most. I love the authors simple sentences for each letter. They can't get better than that.
"What if we could make the world a better place by being kind? What do you think would happen? We can all find ways to be kind to ourselves, our neighbors, classmates, family, teachers, friends-everyone. There are more ways to be kind than you might imagine. How can YOU show kindness?"
The ending of this book opens up so many conversations with your little one! I love when books do this!
Title: ABCs of Kindness
Author: Samantha Berger
Illustrator: Ekaterina Trukhan
Publisher: Highlights Press; Illustrated edition
Format: Hardcover with thick pages
IBSN: 978-1684376513
Reading age: 2-5 years