When I love a book, sometimes it’s hard to put into words how it makes me feel because words don’t even come close to expressing my thoughts. If you don’t have this book, please order it now. If you don’t have kids, still order it now! I am 26 years old & I have learned information just from reading a children’s book.
This book is FULL of education.
One of the main things I love is how there isn’t just one word for some letters! So many have a handful! Example; "B is for beautiful, brave, bright, bold, brotherhood, believing!"
The illustrations are stunning! You will have to read a handful of times to catch all the little details in the pictures.
If your little is too young to understand, just remember they can hear you. It matters what you do!
To be an ally you have to learn! I’m speaking to my fellow white friends here.. we as allies need to be as informed & educated as we can! Teach our littles young.. shape them into our future. Our kids aren’t too young to talk about race. This is such an important book, I cannot express that enough.
“Black lives matter. Every breath, every dream - Every thought, each idea, each impossible scheme.”
Title: The ABCs of Black History
Author: Rio Cortez
Illustrator: Lauren Semmer
Publisher: Workman Publishing Company; Illustrated edition
Format: Hardcover
IBSN: 978-1523507498
Reading age: 5 years and up